
Whenever I feel frustrated with Coworkers, Bosses and Clients

I turn to my trait list and identify the person I am dealing with.

I don’t know why but it helps me feel better and less frustrated.

I hope it will help you.

Charlie Brown

You think this person has changed, you can trust them now.

Don’t take the bait Charlie. She has not changed.

She will pull the ball away right before you try to kick it.

Stop, say to yourself NO and move on.

Calvine Ball

These type of people keep changing the rules so you can’t win.

Enjoy the game and don’t try to win, move on.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

They just took what you said and said it back to you.

Tell them what a good idea and move on.

(Reference is when Obi-Wan gets the enemy guards to repeat " Let them in" in the first Star Wars movie)

Gum People

You tried to get the gum off your shoe now it’s all over the place.

It would have been better just to let it be.

Some people are like gum. They take a little problem and spread it everywhere.

Don’t mess with these people and move on.

Me Me Me

It’s all about them.

Just hold the mirror and then move on.

The Cop

You are not doing that right.

Don’t ask them the right way,

just take your ticket and move on.

The Judge

They can only tell you who is not doing their job right and this is their job to tell you.

Tell them you got to get back to your job and move on.

The Hero

They can take your idea and look like a hero.

Take it as a loss and move on.

The Brown Noser

Brown noising is a behavior that once encouraged is hard to change.

Just enjoy watching them, then move on.

You tried

You stuck your neck out so you could move ahead and got your head cut off.

Sometimes it’s better not to move on.

Taker not a Giver

You give and give but you never can get anything back.

Stop giving and move on.


They will agree with you one moment and then disagree with you the next moment.

This switch is usually done because of some other person’s influence.

These people will never Have Your Back, move on.


They can take a simple request from someone and never do it.

They found if they keep asking questions on how to do it,

eventually the requester will do it themselves.

Don’t request anything from them and move on.

The Grabber

You are taking the time to help them and as soon as they feel

they have what they need from you they take off.

You help them put the worm on and they run down to the water and scared all the fish away.

You wanted to tell them before they took of running they need to walk slowly down to the water.

Next time they come to you for help, let them move on to some one besides you for help.

The Wall

Some people will never change, move on

The Good Person

Before trying to change others bad traits change your bad traits.

And when you are lucky and can work with a person with good traits,

don’t move on.

We Work Like Dogs around here

My other trick I developed was to assign a dog breed to everyone.

Knowing their breed has been a big help to me.

( I would like to work with more Border Collies and less Pit Bulls)